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President of the Monetary Policy and Regulation Board


Lawyer and Doctor of Jurisprudence, from the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador. She also has a Master's degree in Business Law from the the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and a Postgraduate degree in Social, Popular, and Solidarity Economy and Cooperativism from the Universidad Nacional Tres de Febrero in Argentina.

Her professional career has taken place in the banking, financial, and cooperative fields. She has solid knowledge of Cyberlaw applied to business, development, and implementation of financial public policies and regulations. She has carried out her work in private and public national and foreign financial entities, with recent emphasis on the control and supervision of entities of the popular and solidarity economy.

She was a member of the technical team of the Transparency and Social Control Function, which prepared the "National Plan for Public Integrity and Fight Against Corruption in Ecuador 2019-2023."

In the public sector, she served as: General Legal Coordinator, at the Central Bank of Ecuador; General Legal Intendant, in the Superintendence of Popular and Solidarity Economy; and Legal Advisor, at the Bank of the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security (BIESS), among others.

In the private sector, she served as Legal Deputy Manager of Banco de la Producción S.A. PRODUBANCO, Internal Lawyer of Lloyds TSB Bank PLC Ecuador Branch, and external lawyer of several entities of the popular and solidarity financial sector.

In the academic field, she was a professor at the International University of Ecuador and at the Universidad de los Hemisferios.

Deputy President of the Monetary Policy and Regulation Board


Economist from the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador; Master in Business Economics from Incae Business School (Costa Rica).

She held various positions in the Superintendency of Popular and Solidarity Economy, including General Technical Intendant, Financial Sector Intendant, Risks Intendant, and National Director of Money Laundering Prevention.

At the Central Bank of Ecuador, she was Director of Risks, Director of Studies, and Deputy General Manager. Additionally, she was worked at the BIESS, the Superintendence of Banks, and as a professor at FLACSO, among others.